[5.5.1] - 09-09-2024
- [Enterprise Only] Nodeprem Binary executable upgraded to 2.2.0
- Viz trex can now be generated on the /trex page or through the -- publish:viztrex command.
[5.5.0] - 24-06-2024
- Added Viz Extension support.
- New Landingpage with Gif to show how to get started.
[5.4.6] - 17-06-2024
- [Enterprise Only] SSL certificate validation is now optional when there is no OpenSSL installed on the hosting system.
[5.4.5] - 07-06-2024
- [Enterprise only] Resolved issue when the trex download page (/trex) would return 'undefined' as the hostname.
[5.4.4] - 24-05-2024
- [Enterprise only] Improved SSL support and error handling in the binary executable.
[5.4.3] - 26-10-2023
[5.4.2] - 24-10-2023
Hotfix: Improved dashboard action selection.
- Improved extension performance.
- Improved status change message
- Improved default value selection in the wizard.
- General improvements to the stability of the extension.
[5.4.1] - 25-08-2023
Hotfix: - Fixed default value selection.
[5.4.0] - 22-08-2023
- Added a new wizard for a quick configuration of the extension.
- Performance improvements to the extension.
- Added a new option to show processing time in paths when there is no end timestamp.
- Hotfix: Fixed issue with path time label calculation when there is only a start time stamp.
- Improved colour scheme section for activity styles.
- Moved path styles to the activity styles section so that all styles are in one place.
[5.3.2] - 20-07-2023
- Hotfix: Fixed issue with path label calculation when there is only start time stamp.
[5.3.1] - 14-07-2023
- Hotfix: Fixed data limiter.
- Improved happy path configuration pane.
[5.3.0] - 26-06-2023
- UX improvements to the happy path configuration pane.
- Added a new option to limit the number of rows in the data sheet.
- This is useful when the user has a large dataset and wants to limit the number of rows in the data sheet.
- Added an option to enable/disable pagination option
- Please be aware that pagination option does come with some downsides. In case of an empty data sheet this can crash the extensions api, which will require you to reload the dashboard (in case of tableau desktop you will have to close and reopen the application). On the other hand, this option will allow you to load larger data sets.
- General improvements to the extension performance.
[5.2.4] - 13-06-2023
- Hotfix: Fixed the issue with initial reset of the graph,
Fixed issue with the extension choosing the datasheet as the default sheet when there is only one sheet in the workbook.
- Updated
[5.2.3] - 25-05-2023
- HotFix: Fixed issue with rendering and updated error message when there is no data available in the sheet.
[5.2.2] - 24-05-2023
- HotFix: Fixed a bug where the extension would crash when there is no data in the sheet. The issue was with Tableau Extensions API.
- Rollback to the previous version of the data fetch method.
- Removed the resize function on the window size change.
[5.2.1] - 08-05-2023
- HotFix: Fixed a bug where the extension would crash when the user has a large dataset and the KPI bar is enabled.
- HotFix: Fix for large data - error related to node links not being defined.
[5.2.0] - 04-05-2023
- Added a new KPI bar, which shows various KPIs for the process. This allows the user to quickly analyse the process.
- The user can enable KPI bar to show Key performance indicators for the process. and key risk indicators for the process.
- The list of KPI added are
- Case count - Shows the number of cases in the process
- Activity count - Shows the number of activities in the process
- Link count - Shows the number of links in the process
- Variant count - Shows the number of variants in the process
- Waiting time - Shows the average waiting time for the process
- Total waiting time - Shows the total waiting time for the process
- Processing time (A) - Shows the average processing time for the process
- Process time (T) - Shows the total processing time for the process
- Activities (Mean) - Shows the average number of activities per case
- Activities (SD) - Shows the standard deviation of the number of activities per case. Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out numbers are. So here, it shows how spread out the number of activities per case is. higher or lower standard deviation from the mean indicates that the number of activities per case is more or less spread out.
- Activities (Higher) - Shows the maximum number of activities per case
- Activities (Lower) - Shows the minimum number of activities per case
- Paths (Avg) - Shows the average number of paths per case
- Paths (Max) - Shows the maximum number of paths per case
- Paths (Min) - Shows the minimum number of paths per case
- Paths (SD) - Shows the standard deviation of the number of paths per case.
- Min time - Shows the minimum time for the process
- Max time - Shows the maximum time for the process
- The KPIs can be configured in the analytics pane.
- When the KPI bar is enabled the detail slider and the animations (simulation) will be moved to the KPI bar.
- Improved: Now the happy paths will be visible even if the activity is not in the filtered dataset, this allows the user to analyse if certain cases are not following the SLA.
- General improvements to the extension performance.
[5.1.0] - 18-04-2023
- General improvements to the overall extension, including performance upgrades
- Improved handling of large datasets.
- Improved data processing for animations.
- Updated the timestamp calculation
- When there is no end timestamp, the activities consider the start of the next record as the end of the previous record.
- So the activities show the average waiting time for the case (Total average)
- Please refer to the documentation for more details.
- Added a new limit data option
- This helps the user to configure the whole extension with a small subset of data and then apply it to the whole dataset.
This is useful when the user has a large dataset.
[5.0.2] - 23-03-2023
- Added improved debug capabilties for the development team.
[5.0.1] - 23-12-2022
- Resolved a license check issue for enterprise users of process-mining.
[5.0.0] - 05-12-2022
Detail Slider (Variants)
- Added a new detail slider for variants, the slider can be used to reduce the number of variants displayed on the screen.
- With the detail slider you can control the focus of the graph from the most occurring one to the least occurring paths.
- The detail slider also features an interactive histogram which shows the number of cases for each bucket. The number of buckets and the number of variants in buckets is determined by the number of variants.
- The detail slider can also be used to filter the sheets, and the dashboard actions options on variants can be used to filter the sheets to make the whole dashboard respond to the detail slider action
- The user can click the histogram to change the focus of the graph.
- Improvements to the animations feature.
- Improvements to the layout of the graph on resize.
- General improvements to the overall extension, including performance improvements
[4.1.0] - 20-09-2022
- Added option to set the total animation duration.
- Fixed animation circle colors on Tableau Desktop for windows.
- Added option to change the speed of the animation in the analytics pane.
- Added option to animate cases if no end time is available.
- Fixed animation circles moving over the happypath instead of the actual paths.
- Fixed bug where empty datasheet would crash Process Mining.
- Fixed bug where decreasing animation speed would actually increase the animation speed.
- Fixed bug where sorting of the variants graph was not working properly.
- Fixed bug for resizing Process Tree when dashboard resizes.
- Fix bug in order of operations for extension-data-graph workflow. Causing too render twice for one viz.
[4.0.4] - 13-09-2021
- Allow variants to change on filtering.
- Skip NULL values detection for duration links.
- Dashboard actions cannot filter on datasheet.
- Added slider for minimum animation time between activities.
- Added messages on missing columns (case id, activity columns).
[4.0.3] - 07-09-2021
- Improved Animations formatting:
- Color circles
- Size circles
- Improved calculation of animations circle sizes
[4.0.0] - 19-07-2021
Major update with new features!
Enterprise: this update has breaking changes because of a new data structure. It might not be compatible with your current version. Please test your dashboards before upgrading your production environment.
- New data structure. You do not require an Activities datasheet anymore.
- New! Variants
- New Powertools tab with lots of new analytics possibilities
- Improved start - end node labels (depending on selected kpi)
- Added a 'Reverse Data order' option if data looks reversed in extension
- Added waiting time KPI for paths
- Added weeks to time format
- Fixed bug where duration or waiting time was exactly 3600 seconds not showing proper format
- Added custom measure analytics
- Added custom measure aggregation in Powertools bar
- Added measure format options
- Fixed formatting bugs
- Improved time format (year, months and week format is now included)
- When not using end-date the start date from previous row will be used.
- Added a powertools configuration bar for more control
- Moved buttons to powertools bar
- Measure Formatting is back and better!
- Added message to sort data properly
- Added printing option to Analytics Bar
- Animations! Show case animations through the process map!
- Fixed bug where dashboard actions where not filtering all cases in specific situations like the last activity or a case with only 1 activity
- Rerendering Process Map when hiding menu bar and/or Analytics Bar
- Major Performance improvements
- Upgraded to Extensions API V1.5
- Please use Tableau 2021.2 to enjoy the most of this performance update.
- Changed string values from formattedValue to value. Therefore we do not support Tableau aliases anymore. The benefit is a 30-40% performance improvement on Tableau 2021.2
- Select 1 or more variants to filter, use All and None filter buttons to quickly filter
- Improved formatting with negative values
[3.0.1] - 28-04-2021
The last version of process-mining v1/legacy.
Starting from version 4 it is the "new" process-mining.