[5.1.0] - 15-11-2024
- Added selected keys of datapoints in the example file when using bulk import. Making it easier to export to Excel, edit file, and import again. Also dynamic values will be part of the export in the appropriate columns.
- Added confirmation to bulk remove button.
- Added warning message in Management Console when you are using the 'testing' authentication method.
- Improved dynamic values on empty worksheet.
- Improved dynamic default values. They will now update when you are creating a record and switch between datapoints.
- Improved using Measure Names / Measure Values tables as connected worksheet.
- Improved deduplication when using Measure Names / Measure Values.
- Changed date notation in Collaboration to local time.
- Improved submitting data from InputTables using snowflake connections.
[5.0.1] - 23-10-2024
- Enhanced data insertion for the DataCorrect module when using auto-increment as the primary key
[5.0.0] - 22-10-2024
- Added InputTables: Type directly into a table within Tableau, comment on cells, and add new columns. It has never been easier to start with write-back in Tableau with an Excel look and feel.
- Added 'Quick Add mode' for Add Data & Collaboration. In Quick Add mode, when you select a datapoint, it automatically directs you to the Create Record form by default.
- Added export selected data to Excel through Extension.
- Added export all data to Excel through Extension.
- Added a new permission for exporting data. This is disabled by default for existing schemas.
- Added support for update existing data with the bulk import. E.g. Export, Edit in Excel, Import.
- Renamed Bulk Import to Import & Export.
- Added new option in dynamic values to use a single value when multiple records are found.
- Improved Snowflake driver.
- Improved Bulk Import page size for BigQuery.
- Improved several UX components.
- Preparations for Docker Containerization support.
- User managers can now add existing users to one or multiple of their assigned groups.
- Improved group restriction on user export.
- Added support for free version
- Enhanced package installation with fallback support for Debian-based distributions.
[4.1.3] - 17-09-2024
- Improved SSO login in Popup Mode.
- Improved ODBC Snowflake OAuth connection refreshing tokens.
- [Enterprise only] Improved support for .cer certificate files.
[4.1.2] - 09-09-2024
- Added different locales support on Tableau Cloud for Allow edit when and Allow add when conditions.
- Improved bulk import for Data Helper use cases.
- Improved clearing dropdowns not clearing the value.
- Improved ODBC Snowflake connector.
- Improved ODBC Snowflake OAuth connection.
[4.1.1] - 07-08-2024
- Improved Automatic SSO Login in extension
- Improved showing name in collaboration schema when using snowflake connections
- Improved inserting numeric values in a string column
- Improved saving numeric fields in snowflake when using SNowflake native driver
- Improved Allow edit when in data helper module
- Removed ability to set a Allow edit when rule on connected sheet when there is no connected sheet
[4.1.0] - 20-06-2024
- Added ability to set multiple security methods.
- Added OAuth authentication for management console and extension.
- Added option to connect to snowflake using OAuth.
- Added option to connect to snowflake without a DSN.
- Added snowflake native driver.
- Added support for NULL values when using
allow add when
and allow edit when
- Improved efficiency for bulk import wich significantly improves the processing time.
- [Add data] Mark selection message will now show when global records are disabled but multiple marks are enabled.
- [DataCorrect] Removed field labels in horizontal view.
- Enhanced security measures for admin sessions in the extension.
- Added option to customize the label of the SSO Login button.
- Improved precision handling of new number fields.
- Improved example on stored procedure workflows.
- Added generated id to workflow create trigger.
- Improved global records behavior.
- Increased rate limit for handling large datasets.
- Removed password confirmation on connection creation and edit pages.
- Improved user filtering on global audit page in management console.
- Improved detection of text columns for sql server when creating a schema based on an existing table.
- Improved show/hide user and created_at fields in collaboration module.
- Added a message on the bulk import page to remind users about BigQuery limitations. (Only shown when using BigQuery schema)
- Updated the base application to be universal
- Added support for ssl pfx files that contain multiple certificates.
- Added detection of encrypted ssl keyfile.
- Improved linux installation cli instructions.
- Improved cleanup of tmp files.
- Improved UX for copying license in installer.
- Improved disconnectiong from databases when not in use.
[4.0.7] - 04-04-2024
- Improved workflows when running on postgresql
- [DataCorrect] Added remove button to vertical layout.
- [DataCorrect] Improved using header names from field labels.
- [DataCorrect] Improved delete permission still showing delete button in certain use cases.
[4.0.6] - 13-03-2024
- Implemented exemption of permissions for administrator users within the extension.
- Removed the add row button from Data Correct overview page when the option is disabled.
- Fixed SSO showing 'Getting Started' page on Tableau Desktop in certain use cases.
- Improved default value of non-identity column in snowflake schema detection
- Improved allow edit when when there are also allow add rules set
- Improved management console homepage
- Improved UX on example screenshots on the new schema page
[4.0.5] - 22-02-2024
- Improved removing roles from user.
- Enabled all permissions by default on creating a new schema.
- Cleanup of unused schema permissions.
- Added error message when using dollar signs in database passwords.
- Improved UI for configuring stored procedure workflows.
- Improved SSO when using extension in popup mode.
- Added Automatic SSO login in extension.
- Added download template option in excel import.
- Fixed showing wrong version number in extension.
- Moved option to download
file in management console to the header.
- Improved URL in
when using loadbalancer/proxy.
- Improved message is thrown when user has no access to WriteBackExtreme.
[4.0.4] - 08-02-2024
- Re-added auto increment option for primary keys
- Implemented an error page to display when a user lacks access to any schema.
- Added automatic column detection in bulk import
- Improved error handling for required fields in bulk import
- Improved dynamic population in bulk import
- Improved an occassion where selecting a mark and removing the mark by a filter would freeze the extension.
- Improved using dynamic values in DataCorrect and filtering the worksheet with the dynamic values.
- Updated schema counter on connections page
[4.0.3] - 18-01-2024
- Improved administrator user privileges on first installation
- Limited data shown on data tab to max 5000 records
- Improved group restriction on showing schemas
- Improved group restriction on showing connections when creating a new schema
[4.0.2] - 16-01-2024
- Improved SAML Login for management console
- Improved migrating SP entity ID in SAML configuration
- Updated connectivity signature of Teradata and Snowflake.
- Improved group selection on connections for administrator users
[4.0.1] - 10-01-2024
- Optimized Tableau User Sync for large Tableau Deployments.
- Implemented accurate role checks to ensure proper administrative access and authorization when using PostgreSQL as repository database.
- Improved creating administrator user upon installation
- Improved the upgrade process to 4.0 for large deployments.
- Improved encoding of SQL Server connections that do not have a (proper) SSL Certificate
[4.0.0-1] - 03-01-2024
- New Bulk Importing Module based on Excel sheets.
- New option to select which datasources to refresh after adding and editing data.
- Added option to set the width of columns in tables.
- Added option to show logout button.
- Added option to set text color in Rich Text Editor.
- Added option to change the inactivity timer in seconds and let the user logout automatically.
- WriteBackExtreme is more compact.
- Changed default value behavior. It will now only populate with the first value of a worksheet when that worksheet is not the same worksheet as the worksheet connected to the schema. This will prevent unexpected | seperated default values.
- Improved showing relevant values in WriteBackExtreme when using multiple schemas connected to the same worksheet.
- Improved generating multiple records when no marks are selected.
- Improved the Rich Text Editor with a new layout and more features.
- Improved layout of tables.
- Improved layout of dynamic values configuration.
- Improved position of configuration button.
- Improved aligment of rich text fields in overview.
- Improved layout of radio buttons fields.
- Improved layout of checkbox fields.
- Improved rollback functionality for data correction.
- Improved rollback page layout with a fresh new layout.
- Improved stability of configure conditions for adding and editting rows.
- Improved license almost expired message and layout.
- [DataCorrect] Improved the layout, making it more dense and clean.
- [DataCorrect] Added option to create records, you can enable this in the configuration.
- [DataCorrect] Added option to delete records. Make sure to enable this new permission per schema.
- [DataCorrect] Added option to set the width of a column in pixels.
- [DataCorrect] Fixed column widths in the vertical layout.
- [DataCorrect] Update multiple records at once when the relationship is at a higher level.
- [Collaboration] Added option to hide the created at and created by properties in a comment.
- [Collaboration] Columns will now use configured column widths in the overview.
- [Collaboration] Fixed select all button not working properly when using editable conditions.
- Fixed hidden fields not being dynamically populated with the correct values.
- Optimized caching of worksheet containing the username.
- Removed icons in front of Date fields for a cleaner look.
- Optimized layout of small message popup.
- Removed minimum required characters for schema label.
- Fixed console warnings.
- Improved RLS for history overview
Management console
- Added connection restrictions based on user group.
- Added user roles to restrict access to pages.
- Added global audits overview and audits per schema.
- Added data viewer that can be used to confirm RLS setup.
- Simplified SSO configuration.
- Added better error insights for faulty Idp SSO configuration.
- Improved rollback permissions scope for DataCorrection.
- Added multi-site tableau Synchronisation.
- Improved column detection on Oracle databases.
- Added removing users and groups that are not active in Tableau anymore after tableau synchronisation.
- Set default casting for new snowflake connections to uppercase.
- Added
and trust_server_certificate
options to SQL Server connections.
- Improved scrolling experience when adding users to a group.
- Removed ability to remove users from group Everyone. Forced all users to be in Everyone.
- Enhanced License Seat Verification.
[4.0.0] - 22-12-2023
- New Bulk Importing Module based on Excel sheets.
- New option to select which datasources to refresh after adding and editing data.
- Added option to set the width of columns in tables.
- Added option to show logout button.
- Added option to set text color in Rich Text Editor.
- Added option to change the inactivity timer in seconds and let the user logout automatically.
- WriteBackExtreme is more compact.
- Changed default value behavior. It will now only populate with the first value of a worksheet when that worksheet is not the same worksheet as the worksheet connected to the schema. This will prevent unexpected | seperated default values.
- Improved showing relevant values in WriteBackExtreme when using multiple schemas connected to the same worksheet.
- Improved generating multiple records when no marks are selected.
- Improved the Rich Text Editor with a new layout and more features.
- Improved layout of tables.
- Improved layout of dynamic values configuration.
- Improved position of configuration button.
- Improved aligment of rich text fields in overview.
- Improved layout of radio buttons fields.
- Improved layout of checkbox fields.
- Improved rollback functionality for data correction.
- Improved rollback page layout with a fresh new layout.
- Improved stability of configure conditions for adding and editting rows.
- Improved license almost expired message and layout.
- [DataCorrect] Improved the layout, making it more dense and clean.
- [DataCorrect] Added option to create records, you can enable this in the configuration.
- [DataCorrect] Added option to delete records. Make sure to enable this new permission per schema.
- [DataCorrect] Added option to set the width of a column in pixels.
- [DataCorrect] Fixed column widths in the vertical layout.
- [DataCorrect] Update multiple records at once when the relationship is at a higher level.
- [Collaboration] Added option to hide the created at and created by properties in a comment.
- [Collaboration] Columns will now use configured column widths in the overview.
- [Collaboration] Fixed select all button not working properly when using editable conditions.
- Fixed hidden fields not being dynamically populated with the correct values.
- Optimized caching of worksheet containing the username.
- Removed icons in front of Date fields for a cleaner look.
- Optimized layout of small message popup.
- Removed minimum required characters for schema label.
- Fixed console warnings.
- Improved RLS for history overview
Management console
- Added connection restrictions based on user group.
- Added user roles to restrict access to pages.
- Added global audits overview and audits per schema.
- Added data viewer that can be used to confirm RLS setup.
- Simplified SSO configuration.
- Added better error insights for faulty Idp SSO configuration.
- Improved rollback permissions scope for DataCorrection.
- Added multi-site tableau Synchronisation.
- Improved column detection on Oracle databases.
- Added removing users and groups that are not active in Tableau anymore after tableau synchronisation.
- Set default casting for new snowflake connections to uppercase.
- Added encrypt and trust_server_certificate options to SQL Server connections.
- Improved scrolling experience when adding users to a group.
- Removed ability to remove users from group Everyone. Forced all users to be in Everyone.
- Enhanced License Seat Verification.